My name is Sari.
Its like "Scary" but without the "kuh".

I spend most days in utter amazement that I've made it this far with two evil, plotting parts to my brain. These two halves are constantly at war, whether it be with themselves, each other, or me. I do not own the space in my skull, it seems.
They do. for rent anyone?


Discount Tire Adventures Pt 2

So, I'm driving home last night...I'm going 60 on the highway, when suddenly, there is part of an entire house in the middle of the road.
I can hit it, or I can swerve and run into a car. I opt to run over the house.
Car starts rattling, sounds awful. I pull over, check, everything is fine.

I make it home in one piece.

Today, I get up to go to work. Its sprinkling... since one of my windows is permanently in the "open" position on the car, I'm grateful I remembered to put a towel over it after the house incident. I get in the car, its dry, I'm happy.
I start to reverse, and I feel like I'm riding a gimp horse. Immediately, I park, and jump out.
Flatest tire I've ever seen. Bent rim included. I race back in to get the boyfriend and make him help me change the tire.
We come outside.
Its done sprinkling. Now its full-on raining and increasing in volume.
I sigh.

30 minutes, and 3 broken fingernails later, I'm ready. I've got my miniscule 'donut' on and I'm gonna drive to work.
I make it one exit before I'm turning around and heading back home. The car is bumbling around like a blind monkey and I refuse to continue with this. I run back into the apt get the directions for Discount Tire and head over to get it fixed once and for all.

I walk in... my hair is dripping and hanging around my face in ridiculous, electro-shock looking curls, my clothes are soaked, and there is mud and grease on my fingers, knuckles, arms and yes, my elbows. I dont even know if there's any on my face, but I'm sure I'm scowling.

I wait for a moment before a man comes up and says "Have you been helped?" I shook my head and walked to his little desk computer thing. "So whats the problem?" he says. I pause to gather my thoughts.
"...I need a new tire... or atleast need it fixed. That one doesnt work." It wasnt quite as eloquent as I had hoped for, so I released another sigh and just looked at him, hoping he was able to read minds. He said "well, lets go look at it!" cheerily, and I swallowed back the urge to vomit.

On the way to the car, he says "So, how're you doing?"
I laughed.

Not a nice, cheery, musical little number.
Think rabid hyena and you're getting warmer. Add a touch of 'maniacal' and you're practically there. He looked startled.

"Well, other than having a flat tire, being already an hour late to work and the fact that I had to change it in the rain just to get here and now I'm soaked... I'm GREAT."

I stood outside for several minutes, trying to dry off after he took my keys.
2 bugs fell on me, and one small green spider decided that my knee should be his home. Luckily, no crazy bug dances ensued. I just looked at the bugs and said "...seriously?" They left.

The rest of the event went off without a hitch. They bent the rim back, got me a new tire, AND put it on the back tire so the wobbly still slightly bent rim wouldnt drive me crazy while I'm driving.
Very nice of them. Cost me $80 and 45 minutes.
I bet if I'd have laughed a bit longer, it'd have cost me $50 and 15 minutes.