My name is Sari.
Its like "Scary" but without the "kuh".

I spend most days in utter amazement that I've made it this far with two evil, plotting parts to my brain. These two halves are constantly at war, whether it be with themselves, each other, or me. I do not own the space in my skull, it seems.
They do. for rent anyone?


Who let Retard drive?

...I was explaining to the fiance last night that this new "schedule" with me getting up at 6 in the morning and working till 5 then spending 2 hours getting him from work and taking him home, then working again till 9:30pm has me living in a perpetual state of crazy. I quite literally feel as though I have lost my mind every second of the day.

Its kind of exciting!

So, this morning... I'm hitting the snooze and groaning... knowing I have to get up, get dressed and leave the house quickly since we have to stop and get gas on the way. We manage to get out the door a few minutes after 7:00 and get to the gas station right away.

I pull up to a pump. It has a plastic bag over it- which generally indicates "dont use this"... its not like gas pumps wear rain gear, so, I say a bad word and stick the car in reverse- pulling back to another pump. I backed ridiculously close to it.

Its raining. Still.

I park next to the pump. Now, mind you- I pulled into one of the outside pumps because clearly I dont like pumping gas under the conveniently placed roof on the other side. I open the door and watch a mini-waterfall pour into my car.

Oh, good.

So what do I do? Look at it in confusion for a minute, jump out, STAND in it for a minute- perplexed- then slam the door and run to the pump. Gas gets pumped without any excitement to note, until I realize I have to get back in the car. I walk around to my door and watch the water cascading down the driver's side window. I have to get in the car. I know this much. CJ is in the passenger seat and I cant very well climb over him. I know that much as well.
So I look at the waterfall.

Somewhere in the asylum that I call a brain, something is telling me that if I stand there looking at it long enough it'll stop, or atleast move to a different window.
It doesnt.
I sigh.

Then I open the door to get in.

Have you ever noticed that the harder you try to move quickly- the more retarded you get?
I get my butt-end into the seat, pull my head in, and cant get the door closed.


Because my leg is refusing to join the rest of us and wants to splash in the puddle instead. It's having a jolly ol' time playing in the rain while I'm silently cursing my limbs for disobeying the direct order of "GET IN THE CAR QUICKLY! I DONT WANT TO GET WET!"
Finally, the stupid left leg has had enough fun and hops in. The right leg kicks it.

I shut the door.
On my hip.
Apparently the left side of my body is controlled by stupid.

I'm in the car. My coat is bunched up underneath me and behind me and I cant lean back in the seat thanks to the mass of fabric which is clearly in on the game and wants to be as difficult as possible. My head is nearly through the steering wheel as I try to maneuver the coat around me. Elbows are flailing, the left leg wants to control the gas pedal as well... *sigh*

CJ made it to work on time, miraculously.
And I made it to work all in one piece.
Buckets of fun.