My name is Sari.
Its like "Scary" but without the "kuh".

I spend most days in utter amazement that I've made it this far with two evil, plotting parts to my brain. These two halves are constantly at war, whether it be with themselves, each other, or me. I do not own the space in my skull, it seems.
They do. for rent anyone?


Tips for Applying for a Loan:

1. Know your social security number.

2. Know your address.

3. Know how to input your address into the proper fields. (for example:)
address: 123 MAIN ST
address 2: APT 23B
city, state, zip: BLAH, TX, 12345

If you dont live in an apt, then DONT USE the ADDRESS 2 line. Please.
Your credit will not pull properly if you put 123 in the first line, and MAIN ST in the 2nd line.

4. If you’re applying for an unsecured loan (personal loan, signature loan, etc)- and you’re applying for $25000- the interest rate IS going to kill you.

5. Do not... and I repeat... DO NOT... waste my time by applying for a $100 loan.

6. If you hand write your application... please write legibly. A social that looks like, 552-49-Banana is not appreciated. Nor can I properly input the application.

7... have I mentioned how much I HATE the $100 applications? It takes more time for me to process the damn thing than it would for me to just hand you $100. So... stop it. Just learn how to budget and you wont have that problem. (Not to mention, with the interest, you’re gonna end up paying MUCH more than $100... and thats just retarded)

8. Credit bureaus use fraud alert systems. If the social you’re using belongs to a DEAD PERSON- I’m gonna know. And its not gonna get approved... cause I’m not retarded.

9. If the application asks for your monthly income, please dont tell me you make $45000. Because I KNOW thats not how much you make monthly working as a cashier at Walmart.

10. Dont be stupid. Thats all I ask. Is that too much?